Why you should consider learning to code

Learning to code is an incredibly valuable skill in the digital age. If you are keen to pursue a career in tech, or build your own mobile app, knowing how to code is a great advantage.

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Learning to code is an incredibly valuable skill in the digital age. If you are keen to pursue a career in tech, or build your own mobile app, knowing how to code is a great advantage.

Computer programming is a mindset as well as an ability. You can become more creative and innovative, and provide new solutions to tech problems. This is a valuable skill set that can be applied to a wide range of professions.

Upskilling in this area can also lead to new career prospects, as there is a high demand for talented developers in the job market. This need will grow in the coming years, so learning to code will future proof your position for better job security.

Technology plays a critical role in our lives, and learning to code enables you to better understand the technology around you and use it effectively.



Dev Academy student and teacher based at the Pōneke Wellington campus

Here are more reasons to consider learning to code

There is a high demand for developers in virtually every industry. As technology continues to advance, more jobs are becoming available in software development, web development, mobile development, and other related fields.

There are many job types for developers, including:

Software Developer: Develops, designs, and maintains software applications for a range of platforms such as desktop, mobile, web, and cloud-based systems. Read Goretti's story of going from helpdesk to full stack developer.

Web Developer: Creates and maintains websites using various programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

Cloud Architect: Designs and manages cloud infrastructure for businesses, using various cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Read about how Alex went from teaching English to doing a bootcamp and landing a Cloud Infrastructure role at a global company.

Data Analyst: Collects, processes, and analyzes large datasets to extract insights and inform business decisions. 

Database Administrator: Designs and maintains database systems for businesses, ensuring the security, performance, and availability of data.

Game Developer: Creates and designs games for consoles, mobile devices, and computers using programming languages and game engines.

Cybersecurity Analyst: Protects businesses and organisations from cyber threats by developing and implementing security protocols and systems.

Machine Learning Engineer: Develops and deploys machine learning algorithms and models to solve complex problems.

DevOps Engineer: Combines software development and IT operations to improve the speed and efficiency of software delivery.

IT Project Manager: Manages the development and implementation of technology projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.

Other advantages of knowing how to code are:

  • Greater job flexibility: Knowing how to code can give you greater flex in your job search. It can allow you to work remotely or pursue freelance opportunities. Many developer roles also offer flexible hours and the ability to work from home. Since becoming a developer, Libby plans her work day around when surf conditions are good, and enjoys more evenings and weekends.

  • Problem-solving skills: Learning to code can help you develop your problem-solving skills. Writing code requires breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. This skill can be useful in other areas of your life as well.

  • Creativity: Coding allows you to create something from scratch. Whether it's a website, an app, or a game, coding gives you the ability to bring your ideas to life.

  • Understanding technology: Learning to code can help you better understand how technology works. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing and using technology in your personal and professional life.

  • Opportunities for innovation: Coding skills can lead to innovative ideas and products that can change the world. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs and startups have coding backgrounds. Our very own alumnus Kendall Flutey went on to become Co-founder and CEO of Banqer, the financial education platform named 2018 NZ Hi-Tech Start-up Company of the Year.

Learning to code can provide you with a valuable skill set and open up many opportunities in your career and personal life. Whether you're interested in pursuing a career in technology or simply want to expand your knowledge, there's no better time to start learning to code.

Teach yourself? Or attend a course?

Whether you should teach yourself to code or take a course depends on your learning style, time commitment, and goals.

Self-teaching may be a good option if you enjoy learning at your own pace and have the discipline to stay motivated and focused. There are many free resources available online, including coding tutorials, YouTube videos, and forums where you can ask questions and get support from the coding community. Keep in mind that self-teaching may be challenging if you have little to no prior coding experience, and you may miss out on the structure, guidance, and feedback that a formal course can provide.



Group projects are part of the hands-on learning at Dev Academy

Completing a course can offer a structured and guided learning experience, providing you with a clear path to success. You'll have access to knowledgeable instructors who can provide feedback and answer your questions. This can save you time and help unblock your frustrations! At Dev Academy, we design our course to get you hired. At the end of the Dev Academy programme, we offer one-on-one support to find your first job. We'll help with CV writing, developing your personal brand, interview preparation, and what to expect from job seeking in tech. Our team also runs industry Q&A sessions. Our well-networked careers experts will be with you every step of the way until you land in the industry.

Additionally, software development courses often offer opportunities for collaboration and networking with other students, which can enhance your learning experience and future job prospects. Our bootcamp students learn by solving coding challenges in pairs, solo and in group projects. We prepare you to be a full stack developer by giving you opportunities to work in teams, use industry tools, facilitate simple agile processes, and deliver technical and non-technical presentations just like you would in the industry.

Learning how to code can lead to greater creativity and innovation, open up new career opportunities, provide greater job flexibility, and improve problem-solving skills. There is a high demand for skilled developers in the tech job market and this skill set can offer future-proofed job security. Whether you choose to self-teach or attend a course depends on your learning style, time commitment, and goals, but completing a course can offer a structured and guided learning experience, access to knowledgeable instructors, and opportunities for collaboration and networking.

Launch your tech career! 

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