• Build communication, empathy and resilience
  • Based on Dev Academy’s proven Human Skills curriculum
  • Workshops available for teams or tech leaders, online or in-person

Evidence shows that the human factors are what matter most for tech teams. Productivity, retention, engagement, learning, fun… how these go depends less on the work itself, and more on how we are with ourselves and others.

Our Human Skills courses

Human Skills for Tech Teams - Workshop

Half day, full day, or series of workshops

In person or online

From $2,000 per team

Human Skills for Tech Teams - 8 week course

Series of workshops over 8 weeks

In person or online

From $8,000 per team

Human Skills for Tech Leaders

Half day, full day, or series of workshops

In person or online

From $500 per person

All our courses:

  • Are built on 10 years of experience delivering Dev Academy’s unique Human Skills programme to over a thousand developers.
  • Are tailor-made for technical professionals, and the challenges specific to working in tech teams.
  • Provide practical skills that can be applied immediately. Learn and practice skills within this training that you can use immediately in your work.
  • Draw on principles and research-based frameworks that are applied in top organisations around the world.
  • Are delivered by experienced facilitators that have worked with hundreds of technical people.
  • Can be customised to needs of specific teams, and delivered in person, online, in one-off or a series of workshops.

The impact really is astonishing.
— Te Rourou One Aotearoa Foundation

Te Rourou One Aotearoa Foundation logo

Outcomes for individuals

These courses train people on a range of overlapping ideas and tools that can be immediately applied for results like:

  • More self-awareness. Better understand strengths and blindspots, and how to work with, rather than against them.
  • More resilience. Learn tools and techniques to deal with the human and technical and organisational challenges common to tech teams.
  • More empathy. Greater understanding and appreciation of others, plus skills on how to build it for ourselves and amongst a team.
  • More psychological safety. Stronger sense of what we need to feel safer in a team, and how to grow that for ourselves and others.
  • More effective communication. Sharper toolset for getting what you need with others, while building trust and support in the process.
  • More positive leadership. Grow leadership capabilities and confidence through authenticity and empathy.

Leading to outcomes for teams

When people are more self-aware, resilient, empathetic, safe, and effective in their communication, then teams experience:

  • Higher performance
  • Higher engagement
  • Higher retention

The work we did inspired us to make shifts in the way we praise, feedback, and relate to our differences. We have noticed a happier, healthier work environment and a commitment from all staff to personal growth and self awareness.
— Storypark

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Our approach

  • Tailored Learning for Your Organisation’s Needs: Course content specifically designed for corporate software development teams, ensuring maximum relevance and practical application.
  • Guidance from Industry Experts: Your team will learn from active professionals, gaining insights into real-world practices and emerging trends in software test automation.
  • Flexible and Efficient Training: The part-time format respects your team's time constraints while delivering comprehensive and in-depth training.
  • Practical, Hands-On Approach: The course emphasises practical exercises and simulations, solidifying real-world skills and knowledge.

Our clients

Course content

Content is tailored for each course, but topics may include:

  • Beginning to consider mindset and set goals from a growth mindset perspective.
  • Ability to recognise fixed mindset in self and others and coach others towards growth mindset. 
  • Increased frequency and ease of giving feedback.
  • Improved resilience and tools to take feedback on board.
  • Understanding the importance of trust, empathy and psychological safety in teams.
  • Understanding of language and frameworks for building trust within teams. 
  • Ability to action trust building pathways with others.
  • Ability to recognise and address one's own implicit bias and support others to see theirs.
  • Confidence in using various communication methods and listening tools.
  • Confidence in initiating and resolving. challenging/courageous conversations with others. 
  • Tools learned to reduce conflict and engage in a culture of accountability.
  • Increased knowledge of agile values and practice in scrum rituals.
  • Confidence in using tools to see and resolve blocks in workflow efficiently.
  • Ability to self-reflect and identify personal challenges then work through the Immunity to Change method to overcome them.
  • Confidence in one’s own unique leadership/teamwork style.

Our instructors

Sarrah Jayne

Sarrah Jayne is the lead facilitator and programme designer. She has been facilitating this programme within Dev Academy for the last four years, has seen over 30 cohorts of students through the programme and has designed and delivered training for many industry professionals. She has a background in the wellbeing industry a passion for sustainable change both individually and within society.

Sarrah has an approachable nature which allows everyone to feel comfortable. She meets every participant where they are most comfortable and lets them explore the topics at their own pace.


Joshua Vial is the co-founder of Dev Academy Aotearoa, Enspiral. He has been a web developer for many years and has vast industry knowledge and experience. He has a passion for information and innovation and a skill for creatively framing and relating human skills and tech to each other.

Joshua currently also teaches Dev Academy programmes Practical AI for Devs and AI for the Older Adult Sector, plus his own new venture, Code with JV.

Rosie Sievers

Rosie Sievers has many years of experience facilitating group environments. From peer-based mental health education in the corporate world, to yoga teacher training and retreats, to helping Dev Academy’s coding students grow their skills in communication, self reflection and teamwork. She gets excited about the generative nature of group spaces, and the potential for play, growth and healing to emerge.

Rosie is passionate about supporting people to connect with themselves and one another, access a growth mindset and expand their capacity to move through life's challenges.

Each team has had many unique benefits from the training, including increased communication, more collaboration and improved trust. All of this has contributed to better communication and understanding on all levels of the business and as a result our customers receive a better service.
— Kordia

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