7 week Short Course in Test Automation

  • 29 July - 15 Sept 2024
  • $995 ex GST  — Partial scholarships available
  • 8-12 hours per week, designed to fit around your job
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This dynamic, online part-time course led by international testing expert Patricio Miner is specifically designed for software engineers aiming to elevate their expertise in the rapidly evolving field of Test Engineering and Automation Testing.

At the end of this 7 week, online part-time course you will be:

  • Using automation tools and processes to accelerate software development and testing by creating Automation Frameworks from scratch following the best practices like BDD and Page Object Model, making them easy to maintain and scale up as your project grows.
  • Ready to support your team in upgrading their CI/CD processes. Run automated test suites as part of the pipelines in tools such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps Pipelines and GitHub Actions and get automated feedback, scheduled and ready for analysis when needed!
  • Maximising your career development for cross functional Development roles, and into senior Test Engineer, SDET and QA Engineer positions; the most globally in-demand positions in the QA space.

The course will kick off in Developer and Tester streams. This gives Developers foundation testing skills and Testers foundation development skills needed to learn automation testing.

Automation Testing Essentials is led by Software Test Engineer and Mentor Patricio Miner. Pato has a huge passion for QA across the whole SDLC, with 14 years experience, having trained over 16,000 students globally in QA best practice and Test Engineering for Testers and Developers. As a Software Test Engineer, Pato has worked around the world for industries as diverse as banking, government, health and gaming. From creating complex parallel pipelines to implementing automation strategies for world-leading AI systems, Pato brings a wealth of insight and expertise to his teaching.

Quality is not an act, it's a habit.
— Pato Miner, course facilitator

Patricio Miner

Learning outcomes

This course is your stepping stone to becoming a versatile software engineer, ready to tackle modern challenges in Test Automation, API Testing and seamless CI/CD integration. You’ll become adept at using these tools and understand how they integrate into the broader context of software development and testing.

Foundations in Testing:

  • Master Testing techniques and best practices: From Black and White Box Testing Techniques, to Equivalence Partitioning and more. Less tests, more effectiveness.
  • Develop Automated Testing skills: Learn to create effective and meaningful automated tests with a focus on real-world application.
  • Enhance software robustness: Gain practical skills to develop robust software through comprehensive testing methods.

Foundations in Development:

  • Understand core programming concepts: Dive into Object-Oriented Programming, SOLID Principles and Clean Code best practices.
  • Build coding skills for automation frameworks: Acquire crucial coding skills for robust, efficient and scalable automation frameworks.
  • Experience Hands-on code management: Learn version control using Git, bridging the gap between testing and development.
  • Apply coding principles in real-world scenarios: Enhance your contribution to software development projects by understanding real-world application of coding principles.

API Test Automation:

  • Specialise in API Testing: Learn industry-standards tools like Postman and RestAssured for robust RESTful API Testing.
  • Develop versatile API Tests: Gain expertise in crafting adaptable API Tests integral to a testing strategy.

E2E Test Automation:

  • Implement User-Focused automated tests: Master the art of embedding automated tests that accurately represent user interactions and flows within the system, ensuring comprehensive coverage of crucial business functionalities.
  • Optimise system coverage with automated tests: Learn how to create automated tests that effectively map out and validate the entire user journey, focusing on the critical elements essential to your business’s success.

Integration with CI/CD pipelines:

  • Seamless testing workflow integration: Learn to integrate testing into Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines.
  • Understand automated testing in software development: Grasp the bigger picture of how automated testing fits within software development and deployment.

Why this course?

  • Tailored Content: Every module is designed with the specific needs of software engineers, both Testers and Developers in mind, ensuring relevance and practical application.
  • Industry Expert Instructors: Learn from professionals who are active in the field, providing real-world insights and best practices.
  • Flexible Learning: Part-time format to suit your busy schedule, without compromising on the depth and quality of learning.
  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in practical exercises and real-life simulations to solidify your understanding and skills.

Course prerequisites

  • Time commitment:
    • 8-12 hours of study time per week over 7 weeks.
  • Skills needed:
    • For Testers: Knowledge of Software Testing and techniques such as Black Box, White Box, Exploratory, Test Case creation and defect identification.
    • For Developers: Familiarity with Git and one programming language (Java, Python or JavaScript).
    • Knowledge of how the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Agile works in terms of ceremonies and tasks performed by the software engineers (Dev and QA).
  • Hardware and Software Requirements:
    • Operating System:
      • Windows: 10 Pro recommended, Home Edition also works.
      • macOS: High Sierra 10.13 or newer.
    • Memory: 8GB RAM minimum.
    • Disk Space: At least 20GB free.
    • CPU: A modern quad-core processor.
    • Internet: Stable connection required.


$995.00 excluding GST ($1,144.25 including GST).

These fees can not be covered by student loans or allowances.


We want this programme to be accessible to a broad community. So we're providing a number of partial scholarships for individuals facing financial difficulties, making it possible for them to participate in the program.

To apply for this financial hardship scholarship, simply apply via the "Apply for Scholarship" link below.

Pato manages to convey his experience with simple explanations, highlighting the important points and moving straight to practice.
— Paula, Udemy student

Paula V - Pato quote


Applications close Tuesday 27 July for our course starting Monday 29 July 2024.

Questions? Drop us a line.